Traffic light priority for a faster public transport
Traffic light priority is a service that aims to guarantee green lights without waiting for public transport lines. The ultimate goal of the service is to increase the public transport commercial speed and reduce travel times for all users. Torino was one of the first cities in Europe to experiment traffic light priority system with …
Giuseppe Pezzetto, new Chairman of 5T
The new Chairman of 5T, unanimously appointed in the last Shareholders’ Asembly, is Giuseppe Pezzetto. Giuseppe Pezzetto, 57 years old, had several experiences abroad in the private sector and as a Mayor of the Municipality of Cuorgnè for 2 consecutive terms, in the public one. “I am honored and I would thank the Shareholders of …
Special mention for Torino’s “MaaS4Italy” project
This week the City of Torino received a special mention from the Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center for the “MaaS4Italy: Pilot Experimentation and Living Lab” project in the Next Generation Innovation & Development Award, which took place during the XXXIX National Assembly of ANCI (Italian Association of Italian Municipalities). For Intesa Sanpaolo, the MaaS4Italy project of …
Appreciated the flexibility of MaaS and the public transport
The results from Buoni Mobilità project The results collected during the 12 months of experimentation of “Buoni Mobilità” project reward the flexibility of MaaS and public transport!The goal of the project was to test the MaaS model with real users and in an urban context. The initiative was promoted by the Department of Mobility of …
The “car sharing mobility” starts in Valle Po and Alta Val Tanaro
An “intelligent and sustainable” transport solution for those who live in places difficult to reach by mobility services: this is the commitment of the Piemonte Region with the Interreg-Alcotra “E-Trasporti” cross-border project, created in collaboration with UNCEM and with our managing and technical support.The solution called “Car sharing mobility”, designed “tailor-made” for the municipalities of …
Safety and flexibility: the DREEM European project kickscooter passes the test with top scores
The kick-scooter can become one of the leading means for a more sustainable urban mobility when it is safe and flexible. The Turin pilot project of the DREEM electric scooter, financed by the Horizon 2020 program (101007085) and involving three important companies in the area, PUNCH Torino Spa – coordinator of the project itself – …
The future of mobility starts in Piemonte
Today we launched the first MaaS trial launched by a regional administration in Italy. This is the pilot of the BIPforMaaS project, funded by the Piemonte Region which believes in a digital and on-demand mobility, close to the needs and requirements of citizens. And it does so together with our other two partners, the City …
Torino tests a new kick scooter, safer and more flexible
The pilot test of the European project DREEM has started in Turin. This aims at testing a new electric scooter to make city travel safer and more flexible. Financed under the Horizon 2020 program, it involves three important Turin companies in the sector as partners: PUNCH Torino Spa, which in the PUNCH Group has the …
30 years for Smart Mobility
It’s been 30 years, since 1992. It’s 30 years, in 2022. From today we want to celebrate this important milestone by recounting the main steps of our company, to remember our history and to look with you to the future of mobility. On our LinkedIn page. Join us! #Episode1 – The very beginnings #Episode2 – …
Smart road in Torino are real!
The city will be the first in Italy to start experimenting with self-driving shuttles on the road, with the first tests in March and then with citizens involvement in May, providing DRT public transport services. The area interested by the pilot will be “Città della Salute” (hospitals area) for a distance of about 5 kilometers. …
ANFIA Next Mobility Hackathon
We are so happy to be #ANFIAHackathon22‘s partner, organised by Associazione Nazionale Filiera Industria Automobilistica (ANFIA)! The themes of this edition are so challenging for the future of mobility: Data and MaaS Electronics and Software solution for Autonomous vehicles Design for a new way to live the mobility 2050: innovative approach for a new vehicle The hackathon is open to all worldwide students: …
Live Trial of 5G Connected Car Concept in Torino
We are very proud to host the 1st live trial of 5G Connected Car Concept in Torino! The trail has been realized on December 2, 2021 during which we tested a new driver and pedestrian safety technology allowing near-real-time notification of roadway hazards through 5G-Edge networks. It is one of a series conducted internationally by a …
The Mobility Centre of Torino is evolving
Together with the City of Torino, we continue to renewing and evolving the ITS systems of our Mobility Centre of Torino, we are managing for the city administration. In the coming months, we will carry out some activities aimed at: the renewal with a new generation of sensors of the traffic monitoring and monitoring network, …
Traffic and mobility: are we in post-pandemic?
Have we really entered a “post-pandemic” phase? Based on the results of the survey of Legambiente’s Osservatorio sugli Stili di Mobilità (doc in Italian), let’s try to answer with some numbers on Turin’s mobility collected by the Mobility and Infomobility Centre of Torino managed by us. We analyzed the data of traffic and of bicycles …
Cities and smart mobility
It is interesting to see how our cities are looking for solutions for more sustainable mobility. In Paris they are focusing on cycling, in Berlin on a center totally free of cars, in Torino we are testing MaaS and all over the world they are talking about the “15-minutes city” theorized by prof. Carlos Moreno …
MATO Live Bus, a new app to move in Torino
The MATO Live Bus app is the new app of Muoversi a Torino, the infomobility service we manage for the Municipality of Torino: it is a new infomobility tool dedicated to those who move around the city exclusively with public transport services (bus, tram, metro and train). The app joins the infomobility channels already active …
Winners of Europe!
We too want to celebrate the victory of our national team at the 2020 European Football Championship with a little curiosity. We asked ourselves: how did Torino citizens celebrate the victory? To answer, we observed the traffic flows of last Sunday July 11th 2021, measured by the sensors network of the Mobility and Infomobility Centre of …
We join CTE NEXT team
The Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti – CTE NEXT is a widespread and shared project for the technological development of the Torino system. The goal is to transform Torino into a widespread technology transfer center on emerging technologies in sectors identified as strategic for the urban area: intelligent mobility, urban air mobility, industry 4.0 and innovative …
The 2021-2023 Industrial Plan approved
The 2021-2023 Industrial Plan of our company has been approved: it is one of the main tools of the company to respond adequately and effectively to the new challenges of the sector and to define the strategic guidelines for development over a period of 3 years. Smart Mobility and Innovation are the keywords that characterize …
The new Board of Directors of 5T
The new Board of Directors of 5T Srl has taken office for the next three years. The new President of the company, unanimously appointed, is Enzo Amich, 43 years old, Chief Cabinet of the City of Casale Monferrato, indicated by Alberto Cirio, President of Piemonte government, as an expression of the Piemonte Region. The new …
Muoversi a Torino: what’s new
Muoversi a Torino is a unique info-mobility service that we manage on behalf of the Municipality of Torino. It is a web portal where you can find up-to-date information on all things pertaining to city mobility, public transport services, traffic conditions and traffic limitations, on all mobility sharing services. It is a navigable map and …
Mobility and the Pandemic: Analysing the situation
Since the COVID-19 emergency began, we have started to monitor the trend of Torino and Piemonte’s mobility through monitoring systems of the Mobility Centres we manage for the Municipality of Torino and the Piemonte Region. Our goal is to understand and numerically quantify the effective impact of the national and regional restrictive measures issued for …