Credits: 5T Srl
For more information on the BIP "Libera Circolazione" cards, visit the website:
→ Libera Circolazione
Find out more:
→ BIP - Biglietto Integrato Piemonte
We created the architecture, coordinated all technical activities and created the Regional Service Centre of the BIP, the system’s beating heart.
The Service Centre offers all information pertaining both to the public transport service provided by public transport companies (lines, routes, timetables, frequency, distances covered, etc.) and to the ticketing system (tickets, smart card details, tickets sold, tickets validated, load indices, etc.), and it supports the regional body in the planning of public transport services.
Furthermore, since 2016, we have been managing the BIP “Libera Circolazione” Desk. The BIP Libera Circolazione cards contain one free travel pass, valid for one year, that can be used on the entire regional transport network and dedicated to people with disabilities.
Our desk receives and assesses all the applications presented to the provincial offices and provides for cards printing and delivery. Our staff welcomes all the applicants, manages all the activities for cards printing and transport pass loading and informs users of relevant deadlines and actions required for the pass annual renewal.